Please join us for our 9th annual Harvest of Hope Dinner & Dance Fundraiser. For more information and for tickets, please see the flyer.


Harvest of hope 2023

School Commissioned

In December 2022, Educate the Children Executive Director and Chair of the Board, Mrs. Liz Akano visited the project site in Ugbele Akah, Imo State Nigeria to launch and commission the elementary school project.

We thank our supporters who are always there every year during our annual fundraisers for their continued support of this very worthy project.

2022 Commissioning

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2021 Updates

2021 proved to be another challenging year for Educate the Children. We had to cancel our annual Harvest of Hope Dinner and Dance Fundraiser because of COVID-19. Thanks to some generous donors, we were able to raise enough money for the work this year. Travel restrictions also prevented our chair of the board, Liz Akano from making her usual trip to supervise the work and visit with the students. Fortunately, our engineer and his crew worked diligently and tirelessly for three weeks in August to complete the painting job as well as the installation of the bathroom fixtures and the tiling of the bathrooms. This means that the classroom block with 15 classrooms and 12-bathroom stalls, is ready for the students to move in. We will be commissioning the classroom block and handing it over to the Ugbele community when we are able to gather without COVID-19 protocols. students

We would like to use this opportunity to thank you all for your generosity. Your donation of money, and other resources have made the completion of the classroom block possible and we are very grateful.

We are asking for your support once more as we start the administrative block of the project. The administrative block will include the library for the students, prep room for the teachers, lunch room for the students, and the headmistress’ office as well as a waiting room for visitors. Our plan is to commence the construction of the administrative block in the fall of 2022.

We need your help now more than ever. We had to cancel our Harvest of Hope Dinner and Dance fundraiser again this year because of COVID restrictions and the pandemic. There are many ways you can donate:

  • Donate via Canada Helps by clicking on the link
  • Donate via PayPal by clicking “Donate Now” and completing the donation form
  • You can donate through our GoFundMe platform by clicking on that link.
  • Donations can also be made by eTransfer to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

All donations will be acknowledged and donors will receive a charitable receipt. We thank you for your continued support of this project. We know that the students in Ugbele will be so excited about their new school when they return from their Christmas holiday. We remain hopeful that the pandemic will be over soon and we will return to our get togethers to spend time with each other.